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Don’t much like Advaita’s music. Never heard of Dualist Inquiry before this.

Don’t get Hindustani classical/semi-classical forms. Never understood electronic music.

But this song is twisted good – It’s crowded, messy, like that looooooong equation to explain the Standard Model that almost no one understands, but for some reason the bloody thing seems to work.

P.S.: Soon, very soon, I will stop making sidey references to particle physics. My next work project is about DNA. Watch this space.

P.P.S.: Meanwhile, on Facebook, there are some pretty cool music expert type people (very knowledgeable about electronic music and all) who are spewing hate on this track. Apparently, it is rubbish. So there you go.

The Other Blog

Somewhere deep in the blogosphere, floating in the infinite cloud of random words, rants & ramblings is the blog that started it all.

Aquatic Static:

Fly by, should the mood strike...

From the tree tops

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